1. The Committee

4.1 The Committee of the Association shall manage the Association in accordance with resolutions of members in General Meeting.

4.2 A minimum of five members shall serve on the Committee bearing the following portfolios: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer, Secretary and Vice-Secretary. One of the aforementioned may also serve as Fire Protection Officer.

4.3 All members of the Committee shall be members of the Association and shall be elected by the members of the Association at an Annual General Meeting.

4.4 Members of the Committee are elected for a period of two years, but may stand for re-election at the end of this period. A Chairperson may not serve for more than two terms consecutively. After a break of one term a former chairperson may again be elected as chairperson.

4.5 The Fire Protection Officer of the Cape Agulhas Municipality shall be invited to every meeting of the Committee where fire protection matters are to be discussed. The said Officer shall have full voting rights on the said meeting regarding fire protection matters.

4.6 The Committee shall, as soon as reasonably possible, fill any vacancy that reduced the number of Committee members to less than five. The next General Meeting must confirm the office of any Committee member appointed, otherwise it will lapse.

4.7 The Committee may co-opt additional non-voting members of the Committee as it may consider appropriate.

4.8 A Committee member may resign from office in writing and shall be disqualified from office upon termination of membership of the Association. A member of the Committee can be removed from office by a two-thirds resolution of an Annual General Meeting or General Meeting of the Members of the Association.

4.9 The Committee may delegate any of its powers or functions to a sub-committee or member of the Association provided that:

a) such delegation and conditions are reflected in the minutes of that meeting,

b) at least one Committee member serve on the sub-committee,

c) the Committee in advance approves all expenditure incurred by the sub-committee or member,

d) and in advance the Committee may revoke the delegation or the conditions.