1. Meetings.

7.1 Notice of meetings will be given by electronic means; in the case of Committee meetings with at least 5 days’ notice and a Special General and Annual General Meetings with at least 15 days’ notice.

7.2 A quorum for a meeting of the Committee will be half of the number of its members plus one and the quorum of Special General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting will be 15% of the number of the members of the Association.

7.3 Should there not be a quorum at a meeting, the meeting will be adjourned and notice of at least 5 days will be given of the next meeting which will go ahead with whoever is present as quorum.

7.4 All Annual General Meetings must be held within six months of the Association’s financial year-end. The business of this meeting must include:

- The Chairperson’s Report,

- The presentation of the Association’s Annual Financial Statements,

- The election of Committee Members

- The appointment of an auditor who need not be a chartered accountant but must be an independent person with accounting knowledge.

- Projects proposed for the New Year.

- Other appropriate matters.

7.5 The Annual or Special General Meeting, unless otherwise specified in this Constitution, shall have absolute and overriding powers over all affairs of the Association with the view to achieving the objects of the Association and compliance with the terms of this Constitution.

7.6 The Committee may at any time; and must, if so requested by at least 5 members in writing, convene a Special General Meeting for the purpose of discussing a particular matter. The notice of the meeting must indicate the matter for discussion and the discussion of the meeting will be restricted to the matter indicated.

7.7 All meetings of the Association may be held by electronic means and, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all resolutions shall be passed by a majority of the votes of the voting members present or represented by proxy.

7.8 The Chairperson of the Association, or in his or her absence, the Vice-Chairperson, shall chair all meetings of the Committee, the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings and shall have a deciding as well as a deliberative vote.